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An improved branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the pattern minimization problem
Cláudio Alves, José Valério de Carvalho
Actas do I Congresso de Estatística e Investigação Operacional da Galiza e Norte de Portugal/VII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións (ISBN: 972-99841-0-7)
Guimarães, Portugal, October 2005

The optimization problem that consists in minimizing the number of setups in a cutting plan is also known as the Pattern Minimization Problem. In this paper, we present an exact branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for this problem. We also describe the different techniques we used to strengthen the column generation model at each node of the branching tree.

author = {Cl{\'a}udio Alves and Jos{\'e} Val{\'e}rio de Carvalho},
title = {An improved branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the pattern minimization problem},
booktitle = {Actas do I Congresso de Estat{\'i}stica e Investiga\c{c}{\~a}o Operacional da Galiza e Norte de Portugal/VII Congreso Galego de Estat{\ 'i}stica e Investigaci{\'o}n de Operaci{\'o}ns},
address = {Guimar{\~a}es, Portugal},
year = {2005}}