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An exact algorithm for bilevel 0-1 knapsack problems
Raid Mansi, Cláudio Alves, José Valério de Carvalho, Said Hanafi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, in press, 2011

In this paper, we propose a new exact method for solving bilevel 0-1 knapsack problems. A bilevel problem models a hierarchical decision process that involves two decision makers called the leader and the follower. In these processes, the leader takes his decision by considering explicitly the reaction of the follower. From an optimization standpoint, these are problems in which a subset of the variables must be the optimal solution of another (parametric) optimization problem. These problems have various applications in the field of transportation and revenue management, for example. Our approach relies on different components. We describe a polynomial time procedure to solve the linear relaxation of the bilevel 0-1 knapsack problem. Using the information provided by the solutions generated by this procedure, we compute a feasible solution (and hence a lower bound) for the problem. This bound is used together with an upper bound to reduce the size of the original problem. The optimal integer solution of the original problem is computed using dynamic programming. We report on computational experiments which are compared with the results achieved with other state-of-the-art approaches. The results attest the performance of our approach.

author = {Ra{\"i}d Mansi Cl{\'a}udio Alves and Jos{\'e} Val{\'e}rio de Carvalho and Sa{\"i}d Hanafi},
title = {An exact algorithm for bilevel 0-1 knapsack problems},
journal = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering},
year = {2011},
note = {in press} }